Nina Botkay
Alexander Ekman
Nina is a dance artist based in Lisbon. She has danced for DeAnima Ballet Contemporâneo and Nederlands Dans Theater II and I. She studied fashion design at the Lisbon School of Design and natural dyeing with The Dyer's House. As an independent dancer she collaborated with Tânia Carvalho, Marina Mascarell, Ivan Perez, Renan Martins, Alexander Ekman, Adam Linder, Sara Anjo, Michelle Moura, Mateo López, Hugo Vieira da Silva, Marina Dalgalarrondo, Acauã el Bandido Sereia, Janiv Oron, David Marques, Vânia Doutel Vaz, Julian Pacomio, Sofia dias e Vitor Roriz, Raquel Klein and Josefa Pereira.
Nina is a stager for Alexander Ekman. She has created solo performances for the PLMJ Foundation (Lisbon), CHANGE CHANGE (Budapest), Projeto Fora (São Paulo), Segundas da Z - Galeria Zé dos Bois (Lisbon), Galeria Bruno Múrias (Lisbon), Galeria Jaqueline Martins (São Paulo) , Sala Injuve (Madrid) and Galeria ArtePassagem (São Paulo).
She has designed and developed costumes for the works: Orthopedica Corporatio (Mercat des Flors), Second Landscape (Skanes Dans Theater), How to Cope with a sunset when the Horizon has been dismantled (Nederlands Dans Theater 1) and Køter (Dansk Dans Teater) and Bloody Moon (Dansk Dans Theater) by Marina Mascarell, La Burla by Bibi Dória and Bruno Brandolino, Viaduto (in partnership with Maria Silva) and Hélio by Renan Martins, The elephant in the room by Vânia Doutel Vaz (TBA), Feijoada by Calixto Neto (Alkantara Festival), Campo Força Chama by Josefa Pereira and Toda a Luz do meio-dia by Julián Pacomio, Cão de sete patas by Bibi Dória.