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By Kerstin Urbain

  • 8 euros
  • SHARE The Dance Intensive / Studio. EDEN*****

Service Description

My approach I am always fascinated by how the body can open a door to mindfulness, presence, and silence. For me, the body is a touchable and very concrete part of our being. Drawing attention to the breath, to body sensations, to a pleasant touch, or even to physical pain is an accessible procedure, a first step to get in touch with yourself. However, in the insanely fast, stressful, and information-flooded society in which we live, it is all too often neglected or even neglected. With conscious physical practice, we can cultivate this ability or, if necessary, regain it. Through body awareness, i.e. through awareness of our physical being, we create a connection to ourselves. And since yoga is not only a breathing-related and physical, but also a mental practice, we also meet our feelings and our state of mind, perceive them, and recognize them as they are. We become present, get to know each other, and accept each other. We can interact more authentically with ourselves and others.

Upcoming Sessions

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